Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The World Food Prize

What the mosaic looks like before it's ready for everyone to see it.

Because of how intricate this work is (and also a manageable size) we decided to install it at the studio. We had to be able to flip it over.  Boris created a system and we needed all the man power to do it!

And some girl power too.

our mosaic, upside down.

After we'd installed the mosaics on cement board and u-hauled them all the way to Des Moines, one of the  mosaics sits in the Ruan Hall of Laureates, in the headquarters of the World Food Prize Organization, waiting for it's proper resting place.

This room definitely merits protecting.

Our process for this installation is to comb the wall with mortar and to gently put the mosaic in place  (but it weighs over  200 pounds...)

Mortar Mike did it!
This image is of  M.S. Swaminathan.  He introduced high-yielding wheat and rice varieties to India starting India's  "Green Revolution."  He was awarded the first World Food Prize in 1987